Contract - Private Detective Agency in Vienna and Salzburg

Terms of Service

Our detective agency commits itself to fulfill the commissioned order according to the best knowledge and skills with due diligence. The risk of every order is borne by the client. It is obligated to indemnify the detective agency all costs arising from the execution of the order, in particular of any civil law claims.

· The results and methods of the detective work can neither be anticipated nor guaranteed.

· Insofar as there are no special instructions from the client, the insurer, the vendor and the vehicle are in contractor's decision-making authority.

· The client is not entitled to be informed of the identity of the detectives and the designation of the witnesses for the achieving the order's objectives.

· In the case of vehicle use, the detective agency can use two detectives to promote a positive result. The client agrees to fully replace administrative penalties, in particular, offenses, resulting from the execution of the order.

· The report shall be made in writing or verbally and shall be kept strictly confidential. The detective agency assumes no liability with regard to the use of reports and results by the ordering party. Telephone reports are not binding.

· The client agrees to pay the expenses of the detective agency caused by the order. It is obligated to cover the incurring costs by means of regular advance payments. The receivables incurred up to that date are due when the reporting is done. If the claim of the detective company is not paid in full, the client commits to a written acknowledgment of the fee and cost claims. The client undertakes to reimburse all expenses resulting from the claim, including pre-litigation costs, in particular from the use of a legal adviser.

· Court and official appointments resulting from the order recognizes as a task-causal and therefore time-consuming. This also applies if it is a citizen's duty to do so. The claim arises with the actual time expenditure of the detective. Fees are not ordered to the court by the detective company.

· The placing of the order by the client does not constitute a work contract. Any additions deviating from the present terms and conditions are only binding in writing, the termination of the order at any time is also possible. The Client acknowledges that a legal representation of the detective agency in all matters, in particular, the conclusion of agreements and the acceptance of statements of the client, can only be done by the management.

· The client is ready to accept the present agreement as a basis for additional telephone or written orders from the client.

· It is not possible to offset the fees of the detective company with a claim of the client.

· Interest is calculated in the case of approved deferrals or default.

· The client agrees to a delay in payment, to replace the costs incurred by the detective company, in particular, dunning and collection issues as well as 12% default interest.

· A free cancellation of missions (observation, investigation, interaction, etc.) must take place in writing at least one working week before the agreed start date. A cancellation fee of 50% of the anticipated costs of a day of employment (at least 5 hours per man) will be charged for cancellations from this date until the agreed commencement date. In the case of later cancellations, a cancellation fee of 100% of the estimated costs of a day of use or the follow-up costs (at least 5 hours) will be charged.

· The place of fulfillment of the claims arising from the contract as well as the agreed court of jurisdiction is Vienna.

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